It takes some time to review insurance documents. Read first, then call your insurance company to make any final decisions.

Do you have uninsured motorist benefits?

This coverage pays for your (or possibly your loved ones’) injuries if an uninsured or underinsured driver causes an accident and injures you – it even pays if you are hit by a car while a pedestrian or on a bike! This is the single most important coverage to carry. We recommend carrying at least $100,000 of uninsured motorist coverage.

Is your uninsured motorist coverage stacking?

Stacking coverage multiplies by the number of cars on the policy or in the household (example: a stacking policy of $100,000 in uninsured motorist injury benefits becomes $200,000 if you have two cars insured on the policy or in your household), and also provides coverage in more scenarios. We recommend stacking coverage if you can afford it.

Do you carry bodily injury liability coverage?

This coverage pays for injuries in an accident you cause and protects you from personal financial exposure. We recommend carrying at least $100,000 in bodily injury liability coverage. You cannot carry more uninsured motorist coverage than you carry in bodily injury coverage. We recommend at least $100,000 in both.

Does your carrier know who lives with you?

You are required to disclose the individuals who live in your home to your insurance carrier. Many times, life changes bring changes to the makeup of our homes, and we renew automobile insurance every six months without further thought. However, if you fail to disclose, and one of your household members is in an accident, your insurance carrier can deny them valuable benefits.

Do you carry Medpay coverage?

This coverage pays additional medical bills beyond the $10,000 paid by PIP coverage. However, the insurance carrier is entitled to a lien for all medpay benefits paid. So, if the carrier pays $2,000 in medical payments benefits after an accident, it is entitled to be reimbursed that amount once your claim settles. For this reason, we do not recommend this coverage in most circumstances.

If you cannot afford to carry the recommended coverage, carry as much as you can afford! We are always available for a free consultation regarding your automobile insurance coverage. We simply want to ensure your protection in the event of an accident. Call today: (561) 299-HURT

For a more Auto Insurance Tips, please read “What Does “Full Coverage” Actually Mean Under Florida Law?”.

Trelles Injury Law is your trusted partner in personal injury cases, delivering individualized attention and pursuing maximum recovery for every client. With over 30+ years of experience, our dedicated team excels in building strong cases, navigating complex insurance negotiations, and fighting relentlessly through trial and appeal. Whether you've been injured in an auto accident, slip and fall, or by a defective product, we are committed to protecting your rights and ensuring you receive the full compensation you deserve. At Trelles, we understand you have one case and one choice—make it the right one. Choose Trelles Injury Law.

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