A lawyer explains your legal rights

Being injured in an accident can be shocking and overwhelming. You never expect to be injured when you leave home, go to a doctor’s appointment, or go to work. Unfortunately, thousands of people across Florida are injured each year in personal injury accidents and work accidents. Medical malpractice and nursing home abuse also cause injury and harm to individuals. Sadly, some individuals do not survive their injuries.

If another person’s or party’s negligence or wrongdoing has caused your injury, you should consult a lawyer. A lawyer explains your legal rights and your options for holding a negligent party liable for your financial losses, physical pain, and emotional suffering.

The Palm Beach personal injury and wrongful death attorneys of Trelles can help. Through years of experience, we have developed the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to help injury victims and their families receive fair compensation for their claims. If you need a lawyer, we invite you to discuss your case with one of our Palm Beach County personal injury lawyers to learn about the Trelles difference.

The Trelles Difference

We believe that you deserve respect, compassion, and personal attention. We also believe that you and your family deserve individualized, tailored legal services that meet your needs. The legal team of Trelles does not place your case in a “one size fits all” box in which we push your case through the system as quickly as possible. Instead, we carefully analyze your case to determine the best course of action to give you the best possible outcome given the facts in your case and the law applicable to your case.

When you retain our Palm Beach County personal injury attorneys to represent you, you can expect:

  • A thorough case assessment to learn more about you and your case.
  • Answers to your questions and concerns.
  • Explanation of the legal process and the laws applicable to your case.
  • A detailed explanation of the fee agreement – we work for our clients on a contingency fee basis.
  • Regular communication and updates about your case.
  • Access to your attorney and our legal staff throughout your case.
  • Confidentiality, transparency, honesty, and professionalism from every member of the Trelles legal team.
  • Exceptional legal services from experienced, skilled, and talented personal injury lawyers.

You are entitled to be treated with courtesy and respect. You have been through a challenging and difficult experience. We provide support, guidance, and legal counsel to help you as you recover from your accident and your injuries.

Finding the Right Lawyer Is Essential to Winning Your Case

When you choose a Palm Beach County injury attorney to represent you in an injury claim, you want a skilled negotiator and an aggressive trial attorney.

Most injury claims and cases settle before a lawsuit is filed or before a case goes to trial. Therefore, you want a Palm Beach injury attorney who understands the art of negotiation. Our attorneys use the evidence to build a strong case for settlement. Our settlement demand package contains specific allegations of negligence, including the supporting statutes, case law, and evidence to support those allegations. We calculate the value of your claim and prepare an argument to justify that figure.

Even though we are talented negotiators, some parties refuse to negotiate a fair settlement. From the beginning of your case, we work as if we are preparing for trial. If we need to file an injury lawsuit to protect your best interests, we are prepared to do so. Insurance companies are familiar with law firms that always settle cases instead of going to trial. They know that those law firms eventually settle cases for lower amounts to avoid going to trial. Our attorneys are not afraid of going to trial to fight for our clients’ rights, and the insurance companies are aware of our reputation as successful trial attorneys. This is a benefit to every one of our clients.

Palm Beach County Accident Attorneys Who Work for You and Your Family

You deserve an attorney who fights for you! If you have been injured, schedule a free consultation with us, and we will demonstrate why we are the law firm for you. Contact Trelles by calling 561-299-4878 (HURT) to request a free consultation with one of our personal injury attorneys in Palm Beach County.

No Recovery, No Fee. Our Promise!

Free Consultation Form

We have vast experience in every type of accident case.
Give Us the details, and we will tell you how we can help. 

Are you a former client of our law firm? *
Have you consulted with or been represented by an attorney for this accident? *

Schedule An Appointment, Call 561-299-4878 (HURT) Today!